We are setting up a 130 gallon show tank in the Pacific Northwest. These discus arrived about four hours before this video was taken. We shipped them on a Monday, and they were picked up at the airport in Washington on Tuesday. Here they are after their first meal. If you have ever been skeptical about purchasing our Discus Fish from our website just watch this video!
55 gallon
Looking into discus
Best care for discus?
Right now just community tank . been up and running for 3 months no problems,have 10 gallon staging tank. For new fish.
Any tips?
Thank Tony kristoff
55 Gallons 5-6 Discus Max unless you want to do frequent water changes. Otherwise do 2 per week
Aging water naturally is best but Prime works well if you can not age your water.
Temp: ~84F
PH: between 6.6 and 7.4
Food: Beefheart Mix, High Quality Pellets, live Blackworms