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An Update On The Wild Discus Received From Santarem Discus

by | Sep 30, 2018 | 2 comments

We’re following up a week later after the Wild Discus shipment of 63 boxes that we received from Santarem Discus. I want you guys to see how the colors pop a week after receiving them so that you can get an idea what we were talking about. I mean they looked great the day they arrived but here they are and as you can see fully interested in eating because every time we come close to them they’re looking for everything.

These Wild Discus Are Not Shy

They are still pretty much a bunched together. We have to isolate them, but I mean they’re everywhere. We managed to find plenty of tanks here. You see some of the blue moon and hackles. Here you see some of the, a gigantic seven and eight inch Iripixi discus. They are absolutely stunning.
There is nobody in here that is shy. When people tell you guys that wild discus are shy. I don’t think so. I think they are deaf.
They are not shy. They are extremely overcrowded but every single day they get approximately 150 percent water changes. That’s how we keep them this healthy and this overcrowded. You can see some of the Royals Their colors are popping like there’s no tomorrow. There is no illumination. There is no special lighting. This is just natural lighting on them.

Victor At Santarem Discus Trains Them Months Before We Receive Them

Anytime you come near the tank, I mean literally you can grab them if you want to, but they come looking for food. They’ll eat right out of your hands and this is the reason why I kept on saying it over and over again, that Victor at Santarem Discus trains them for two months while they were in quarantine, so he makes it so much simpler for us. I mean, overall out of the 500 wild discus that we received, I think two of them came in dead because the bag broke.

The Wild Heckles Come Right To You

These are all Wild Heckles and as you can see, same thing, any movement, they come right to you. And so we’ve managed to put 500 wild discus in six large tanks. You can see the water quality in here. It’s absolutely spotless. They eat two, three times a day and they’ll eat pretty much anything we give them. I want you guys to get an idea well they eat our Tropical Wild Granules. This is what Victor at Santarem Discus starts to feed them two months before he ships them to us. They are already used to eating this stuff.

We Are Feeding Them Tropical Wild Discus Gran

And there you can see how they’re going after everything. Now wild discus are used to eating at the bottom. So if we stay here long enough, which we’re not going to do it to bore you guys, they love to eat everything off the bottom, you’re going to see them start coming down and start devouring everything in sight. When they can eat Tropical Wild Discus Gran they can eat everything. So if you guys want to feed them live black worms, whatever it is you want to feed them, these guys will adapt to whatever diet you put them on.

The Continuation Of The Acclimatization Of The Altums

We didn’t really shoot a video of the acclimatization of Altums when they came in. But we want to show you them on this video. These are the Atabapos. They’re a, well we call medium size tip to tip. there are about eight to 10 inches. The Atabapos are known for being reddish the top part. They have much wider fins. They took a lot longer during acclimatization because we didn’t know what the water parameters were. So once we got them, we had to acclimate them slowly, it took us about two hours we had to do with like a drip system, but they finally came in and these don’t usually travel as nice as the wild discuss, but we showed you the wild, discuss how they were individually bagged in the whole nine yards. Sometimes these come in Ten in a bag. We had a few losses on these but nothing to write home about. I’m at a 420 that we received that thing will last about 30 of them.

So it’s like a 10 percent loss, a little bit more or a little bit less rather. Um, but the rest of them are doing absolutely phenomenal. And a lot of the things that happen in transit was that some of the bags leaked and obviously when they run out of water, fish die. But you can see them here also, how they’re coming along.

They Wild Altums Are Still In Quarantine

That means there were medicating heavily. We’re killing off any external parasites, any internal bacteria or whatever. We are making sure that by the time the end user receives them, it’ll be a pleasant experience, not something where they’re going to have to medicate themselves and we want to show you what they look like. I want to say these came in about four or five days ago and you’ll see the quality on them is absolutely stunning. They’re still a little shy.

Altums That Have Been Acclimated Are No Longer Timid

Obviously these are wild albums, but eventually they’ll get used to it and they will be like the little ones. I would love to show you guys the small ones that came in two months ago because look at the difference in the way they behave. Those guys are very timid. While these guys are ready to rock, I mean I stick my finger in there and they’re going to come after me and that’s what we want those Atabapos do as well.

We Hope To Continue To Show You What Is Going On Here At Wattley Discus

All right guys, thank you for coming and joining us. Once again. Like I said, we’re finding time in between the busy time to let you guys join us and see how an everyday experiences of the track Wattley Discuss hatchery.

Thank you very much for joining us. Please keep tuned for more videos.


  1. Vinnie O'Connor

    Outstanding presentation and update of the wilds.

    • Wattley Discus Admin

      Thanks Vinnie.
      We hope to include more videos of what is going on here at the Hatchery.


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