Thank you for checking out our new website. I am excited to be able to present our discus to the online community for purchase.
I have worked with so many people over the years helping them enjoy Jack Wattley discus and the tropical fish hobby.
I would really appreciate if you would click around this new website and give me some feed back on what you think (it’s a work in progress).
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Website and the fish look fantastic.
Really impressive. It would be helpful to understand the origins of some of the species names as they are not familiar to me.
Look forward to ordering in the near future
I just joined Jack Wattley Discus, even though, at his point in time, I really only have a dream of owning discus. Would love to put one in my 46 community tank that currently houses an angel, silver dollar, corys, bloodfins and a beta, but warnings about temperature, solitary specimens, competition for food and disease have kept me from pursuing. However, I recently came across an article by Heiko Bleher saying 77 degrees would be the lowest regular temperature for a discus. My tank is at 79. Would that work? Would keeping a solitary discus be cruel to the fish? My angel and SD seem pretty happy, but then, neither is sexually mature yet.
Tank facts:
46 bowfront
Aquaclear 50 and 20 filters and an in-tank power pump for current (not always on)
Lighting: LED day/nightime light, but I only ever use the nighttime (blue) light with a bright fluorescent light partially shining down on the middle-front bow area. Back of tank stays dark blue. Part of my tank also gets direct sunlight in the late afternoon.
Partially planted (6 marimo balls, handful of a small grass-type plant, and a 15-inch philodendron selloum hanging out the back with 10-inches of big, thick roots in the tank. Fake corals and driftwood create several cave-like hiding places.
Freshwater sand substrate.
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 20-30
PH: 7.5
GH: 60
Water: Half Publix RO, half treated tap.
Would greatly appreciate your advice, since there is a lot of conflicting advice out there.
Great work on the website. Really enjoyed the tour video. Just amazing fish. Would love to come down from Jacksonville and see it in person.
Hello Bill,
You would have to bring up your temperature to 84-86F. All other perameters are fine. You are more than welcome to come vist the hatchery whenever you want.
Gabe Posada
I have been thinking about adding discus to my 150 planted tank for several years. My only hesitation is that I think I may have an issue with chronic parasitic infection. Most fish do very well, however, gouramis tend to get skinny over a period of time and eventually fail to thrive. I heard from a friend that certain parasites prefer certain host fish. I also tend to have cardinals that get skinny.
Currently I have four hemiodus fish, two demsoni barbs, three albino bristle nose plecos and five cardinals.
Ph 6.9 (co2 controlled)
Nitrates 10-15
Ammonia 0
Temperature 81
You shouldn’t have any problems with discus as long as you bring the tem up 82-84 and do weekly 20% water changes.
Gabe Posada
I have a 90 g tank with 7 large Discus, 6 Cory Cats, and 4 Ancistrus. I would like to add Cardinal Tetras and Rams. How many of each would you recommend?
2 Rams and 30 Cardinals